GOOD: excellent, satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree, of high quality; right; proper; fit; kind, beneficent, or friendly: honorable or worthy; educated and refined; safe; genuine; not counterfeit; valid; reliable; dependable; responsible; healthful; beneficial; in excellent condition; healthy: favorable; propitious; cheerful; optimistic; amiable; comfortable; agreeable; pleasant; attractive; handsome; close or intimate; warm; advantageous; skillful; clever; skillfully or expertly done; socially proper; comparatively new; best or most dressy; full; fairly large or great; fertile; rich; loyal.

November 12, 2009

A modern mercantile on Vashon Island

New, independent and local. Good Merchandise is the place to go on Vashon Island for handcrafted, unique and amazing gifts and practical items! We host a little bit of everything, and we're always looking for more.

It's never too early to start shopping for the holidays, and in our opinion, it's never too late. We will be open throughout the holiday season with extended hours during December. Put your wish list together, give it to your loved one and tell them to give us a call! We are specializing in holiday shopping for those who are too busy and are interested in supporting the LOCAL ARTISAN!

1 comment:

  1. Good Merchandise does not pay vendors! After she gets your products she keeps them and will never call you or pay you!
