GOOD: excellent, satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree, of high quality; right; proper; fit; kind, beneficent, or friendly: honorable or worthy; educated and refined; safe; genuine; not counterfeit; valid; reliable; dependable; responsible; healthful; beneficial; in excellent condition; healthy: favorable; propitious; cheerful; optimistic; amiable; comfortable; agreeable; pleasant; attractive; handsome; close or intimate; warm; advantageous; skillful; clever; skillfully or expertly done; socially proper; comparatively new; best or most dressy; full; fairly large or great; fertile; rich; loyal.

April 21, 2011


Multiple updates...
-New store hours are 11am to 5pm Thursday through Sunday or by appointment.
-1 year anniversary at our new location May 5th!
-Vashon Island Spring Art Studio Tour May 7-8 & 14-15. 22 studios and three stores this year! Come check out the many talents our store and other artists have to offer on the island.

We'll have another update out in a week or so with more details on summer plans!

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