GOOD: excellent, satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree, of high quality; right; proper; fit; kind, beneficent, or friendly: honorable or worthy; educated and refined; safe; genuine; not counterfeit; valid; reliable; dependable; responsible; healthful; beneficial; in excellent condition; healthy: favorable; propitious; cheerful; optimistic; amiable; comfortable; agreeable; pleasant; attractive; handsome; close or intimate; warm; advantageous; skillful; clever; skillfully or expertly done; socially proper; comparatively new; best or most dressy; full; fairly large or great; fertile; rich; loyal.

May 30, 2010

REOPENING PHOTOS! (images by Colin Brynn)

A girl and a photographer on a mission.

Intern needs directions. Owner needs intern.

Pre-funkin with the Barry's.

The Diggers setting up.



May 22, 2010

Busy at the new space!

A quick update... We are successfully open and are delighted with our new location. The blog will be updated with new images soon. Thanks for all the great wishes and support! And as always, we're looking for new art. Items are moving out faster than we can stock them!

-AnnaLisa and friends at Good Merchandise