GOOD: excellent, satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree, of high quality; right; proper; fit; kind, beneficent, or friendly: honorable or worthy; educated and refined; safe; genuine; not counterfeit; valid; reliable; dependable; responsible; healthful; beneficial; in excellent condition; healthy: favorable; propitious; cheerful; optimistic; amiable; comfortable; agreeable; pleasant; attractive; handsome; close or intimate; warm; advantageous; skillful; clever; skillfully or expertly done; socially proper; comparatively new; best or most dressy; full; fairly large or great; fertile; rich; loyal.

February 04, 2010

February 2010

We're back to it and ready for the chilly months ahead! Longer days mean longer hours and we're excited to be working on several new art ideas for 2010. Additional artists and new works from several more are in the store. Come check it out!

Thursday-Sunday 11am-5pm
or by appointment...

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